Some of you might not see this one as falling into the fitness category, but getting & playing outside is absolutely a part of using your fitness to enjoy the world. For those of you whom love to play outdoors, Skratch Labs is giving away over $5,000 in outdoor gear, clothes, food, and drink to one lucky winner.
Entry is free, and all you have to do is visit a handful of Instagram pages to gain multiple entries. One lucky winner will be chosen on September 4, 2023.
The prizes include:
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$40 OFF GORUCK Rough Runners
Running, hiking, and rucking shoes for as low as $99. Available in 12 colors. For road & trail adventures. Grab a pair now →
- Grayl outdoor adventure set for two: Turn nasty water into clean drinking water in seconds with a collection of Grayl water purifier bottles and titanium dining supplies.
- RovR RollR45: Introducing the RovR RollR 45 Cooler, the perfect wheeled cooler for your outdoor adventures.
- Upslope Spiked Snowmelt bundle: Bring summer along to every excursion with a collection of Spiked Snowmelt and warm-weather gear from Upslope.
- Gorewear men’s or women’s endurance jacket: An incredibly lightweight, durable waterproof jacket with an over-the-helmet hood.
- Luno mattress: Car camping has never been easier with your choice of Luno Air Mattress 2.0 for your car, SUV, truck or van.
- Fjallraven multi-pack & trouser package: Move through the mountains with ease and versatility thanks to this collection of packs and trekking trousers from Fjallraven.
- Big Agnes Blacktail Hotel Bikepack 3 person tent: Sheltering in place has never been better with this three-season, freestanding bikepacking tent with extended vestibule.
- Thule Motion XT Adventure Bundle: Don’t leave gear at home – it gets lonely! Bring it all with this Thule bundle including a Motion XT storage box, GoPack and Chasm 70L Duffel.
- Skratch hydration and snack bundle: A Skratch stash worthy of the most epic adventures, complete with hydration Sport Drink Mix and a collection of tasty snacks.
The giveaway closes on 9/3/23 at 11:59pm MST so get your entries in before then.
Official rules are listed on the giveaway page.